Gemeinsam mit Lufthansa ging es am 8. Februar nach New York. Nachdem das Programm mit Lufthansa fertig war, haben mein Mann und ich noch zwei Tage dran gehängt - denn ich hatte eine Einladung zu meiner ersten Fashion Show!
Zunächst haben wir in unser Hotel eingecheckt. Nachdem ich im Dezember am Times Square übernachtet habe, haben wir uns dieses Mal dazu entschieden, ein Hotel Downtown zu nehmen. Unser Zimmer im Redidence Inn by Mariott war sehr groß und geräumig. Von unserem Zimmer aus blickten wir direkt auf das One World Trade Center. Dazu aber später mehr.
Anschließend hieß es schon fertig machen, denn wir mussten zeitnah los: zur Jonathan Simkhai Show auf der New York Fashion Week! Ich war soooo aufgeregt, wusste nicht was ich anziehen sollte, habe ich 5 mal umgezogen.
Als mein Outfit dann stand, haben wir ein Uber genommen und sind zur Location gefahren.
Am Skylight Clarkson Square fanden mehrere Shows nacheinander statt. Als wir uns dem Ziel näherten, sah man schon viele Fashionistas, Bloggerinnen, Moderedakteurinnen. Man erkennt sie alle direkt. Überall stehen Fotografen und wollen ein Bild von dem coolsten Streetstyle machen. Ich habe auch direkt eine meiner Lieblingsbloggerinnen, Paola von Blank Itinerary wieder gesehen und mich total darüber gefreut.
Nachdem wir unsere Einladung gescannt hatten gingen wir rein - ich war überwältigt! Genau so stellte ich mir eine Modenschau vor: Sitzplätze mit kleinen Platzkärtchen, kleine Geschenke in der Front Row. Überall schöne und stylische Menschen, Kamerablitze, Handyfotos...
Wir sind auf unsere Plätze gegangen und waren einfach nur überwältigt. Und zwei Minuten bevor die Show los ging stand plötzlich eine Frau vor uns und bat uns, mit ihr mitzukommen, sie wolle uns umsetzen. Und als wäre es das normalste der Welt saßen wir plötzlich einfach im Mittelgang, also fast Front Row. Ich habe mich gefreut wie ein kleines Kind.
Die Show war wundervoll! Jonathan hat sich vom Spanien des 19. Jahrhunderts inspirieren lassen. Die Mischung aus schweren Stoffen wie Samt und leichten Spitzenstoffen, kombiniert mit Leder war einfach super schön!
Die Gäste in der Front Row haben zudem noch ein T-Shirt bekommen, welches der Designer am Ende der Show auch getragen hat. Aufschrift: Feminist AF! Ihr könnt Euch sicherlich vorstellen, wie happy ich war, auch ein solches Shirt bekommen zu haben. Ihr könnt ebenfalls das Shirt hier kaufen und dabei auch noch was gutes Tun, da der Erlös an Planned Parenthood geht.
Die Gäste in der Front Row haben zudem noch ein T-Shirt bekommen, welches der Designer am Ende der Show auch getragen hat. Aufschrift: Feminist AF! Ihr könnt Euch sicherlich vorstellen, wie happy ich war, auch ein solches Shirt bekommen zu haben. Ihr könnt ebenfalls das Shirt hier kaufen und dabei auch noch was gutes Tun, da der Erlös an Planned Parenthood geht.
Wenn ihr Euch die Show anschauen wollt, einfach hier klicken.
Meine Lieblingsteile will ich Euch aber schnell noch zeigen:
Meine Lieblingsteile will ich Euch aber schnell noch zeigen:
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Photocredits: |
Anschließend habe ich noch die liebe Caro Daur und die wundervolle Olivia Palermo getroffen. Also einfach ein wundervoller Abend!
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Cutie Caro Daur and beautiful Olivia Palermo at Jonathan Simkhai Fashion Show February 2017 |
Doch der Abend endete noch nicht hier. Wir durften anschließend auch ins Kola House auf die Aftershow Party. Dort traf ich dann auch auf den Designer Jonathan Simkhai. Was soll ich sagen, eine durchweg gelungene erste Fashion Show!! Ich habe tatsächlich auch Blut geleckt und hoffe, dass es nicht die letzte war.
Das waren meine Eindrücke zu meiner ersten Fashion Show und auch zu meiner ersten wirklichen Fashion Week.
Zwei Tage hatten wir in New York aber noch und wie versprochen bekommt ihr auch noch eine kleine Review zu unserem Zimmer im Residence Inn by Mariott.
Die Lage des Hotels ist super, direkt am One World Trade Center und an der U-Bahn Station "Fulton", die eine gute Verbindung zum Rest von Manhattan bietet. Der Battery Park ist ebenfalls in 10 Minuten fußläufig gut zu erreichen. In der Umgebung des Hotels gibt es viele kleine Restaurant und Geschäfte. Direkt gegenüber ist der Century 21. Dort bekommt man das ganze Jahr über gute Schnäppchen.
Keine 5 Minuten entfernt ist das Oculus am One World Trade Center und darin befindet sich die Westfield Mall mit allen Geschäften, die das Herz begehrt.
Keine 5 Minuten entfernt ist das Oculus am One World Trade Center und darin befindet sich die Westfield Mall mit allen Geschäften, die das Herz begehrt.
Wir hatten ein behindertengerechtes Zimmer (weil beim Einchecken nichts anderes frei war), was aber kein Nachteil dargestellt hat.
Das Zimmer war groß und geräumig und verfügte über eine kleine Küche mit Backofen und Kühlschrank. Wir haben diese aber nie genutzt, das Frühstück war im Preis innbegriffen und Mittags und Abends waren wir immer unterwegs.
Der einzige Nachteil war, dass durch die Lage direkt an der Hauptstraße ab und an die Straßengeräusche hörbar waren. Ich schlafe in Amerika prinzipiell mit Ohropax, daher hat mich das nicht weiter gestört.
Hier ein kleiner Einblick in unser Zimmer:
Hiermit endete unser Aufenthalt in New York auch schon. Ich muss gestehen, die Stadt gefällt mir von Besuch zu Besuch immer besser. Aber dennoch brauche ich jetzt mal eine kleine New York Pause und freue mich schon sehr darauf, in zwei Wochen wieder in meiner Lieblingsstadt zu sein.
Dennoch kommt die nächsten Tage nochmal ein Blogpost mit Sehenswürdigkeiten und Things to Do in New York online (hatte ich nach meinem letzten New York Besuch schon versprochen).
A dream became true in February - I was able to go to New York for Fashion Week! And not just go there. I had the opportunity to attend a Fashion Show. It was so exciting and I want to share this moment today with you!
Together with Lufthansa we took off to New York on Febraury 8th. After the official program ended, my husband and I extended our stay as I was invited for the Jonathan Simkhai Fashion Show.
Firstly, we checked into our new hotel. After staying at Times Square in December, we decided to go for a hotel Downtown this time. Our room was big and we had a view on the One World Trade Center. But I'll tell you more about it later.
Afterwards we already had to prepare ourselves to leave for the show. I was so excited that I got changed 5 times. As my Outfit was chosen, we took an Uber to the location of the show.
The Skyline Clarkson Square hosted several fashion shows in a row. As we reached our destination, we already saw all the Fashionistas, Blogger and Fashion-Editors. You do recognize them immediately. Everywhere photographers can be seen willing to take pictures of the coolest streetstyles. I met one of my favorite Bloggers Paola from Blank Itinerary again and was very delighted.
After scanning the Invitation for Access to the Location and going in, I was overwhelmed. That's exactly how I imagined a fashion show: the seats had little seat Cards, little gifts on the front row seats. Everywhere stlyish looking people, camera flashings, mobilephone pictures...
We sat on our seats and watched the happenings. Two minutes before the show started, suddenly, there was a woman standing in front of us asking to follow her as she needed us on other seats. And this is where I found myself sitting in the middle-section, so nearly front row. I was beyond happy!
The show was amazing. The collection was inspired by 19th century Spain. I loved the mix of heavy fabrics like Velvet and leather mixed with the levity of lace.
The guests sitting in the Front got a T-shirt, which the designer also wore at the End of his show: Feminist AF. You can imagine how happy I was as I got my hands on such an amazing shirt. If you want to have one, just click here. By buying the shirt, you also do something good as the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood.
You can watch the full show by clicking here.
A preview of my favorite Looks is above.
Afterwards, I met my cutie Caro Daur and the beauytiful Olivia Palermo. So just an amazing evening!
But the evening wasn't over yet. We were invited to the aftershow Party at the Kola house where I even met the designer Jonathan Simkhai himself. I really enjoyed the evening and I hope that there are more such amazings Events to come!
So those were my impressions of my first fashion show and my first real fashion week.
We still had two days in New York and as promised here is also a Little Review on our hotel room.
The hotel is very well located, in the World Trade Center Area and near the Subway Station "Fulton", which has a good Connection to all of Manhattan. The Battery Park is a 10 Minute walk away. There are a lot of little restaurants and shops nearby.The department store Century 21, where you can get good dicounted preices throughout the year, is just across the street.
Only a 5 Minute walk away is the Oculus at One World Trade Center whith the Westfield Mall. Here you can buy nearly everything you want to. So the Location of the hotel was very good.
We had a handicapped accessible room (because there was no other available when we checked-in), but it didn't have any disadvantages.
The room was big and spacious and had a Little kitchen with fridge and a lttle oven. We didn't use the kitchen as breakfast was included and we went out to have Lunch and Dinner.
The only negative point I have is that the room was located on the street side and was sometimes a little bit noisy.
This is when our stay in New York ended. I have to admit that I'm starting to like this city more and more. But, for the moment beeing, I just need a little New York break and I'm more than excited to be back in my favorite city in two weeks time.
There is still going to be one more post about New York, Sightseeing and things to do, which I already promissed back in December. So stay tuned!
Firstly, we checked into our new hotel. After staying at Times Square in December, we decided to go for a hotel Downtown this time. Our room was big and we had a view on the One World Trade Center. But I'll tell you more about it later.
Afterwards we already had to prepare ourselves to leave for the show. I was so excited that I got changed 5 times. As my Outfit was chosen, we took an Uber to the location of the show.
The Skyline Clarkson Square hosted several fashion shows in a row. As we reached our destination, we already saw all the Fashionistas, Blogger and Fashion-Editors. You do recognize them immediately. Everywhere photographers can be seen willing to take pictures of the coolest streetstyles. I met one of my favorite Bloggers Paola from Blank Itinerary again and was very delighted.
After scanning the Invitation for Access to the Location and going in, I was overwhelmed. That's exactly how I imagined a fashion show: the seats had little seat Cards, little gifts on the front row seats. Everywhere stlyish looking people, camera flashings, mobilephone pictures...
We sat on our seats and watched the happenings. Two minutes before the show started, suddenly, there was a woman standing in front of us asking to follow her as she needed us on other seats. And this is where I found myself sitting in the middle-section, so nearly front row. I was beyond happy!
The show was amazing. The collection was inspired by 19th century Spain. I loved the mix of heavy fabrics like Velvet and leather mixed with the levity of lace.
The guests sitting in the Front got a T-shirt, which the designer also wore at the End of his show: Feminist AF. You can imagine how happy I was as I got my hands on such an amazing shirt. If you want to have one, just click here. By buying the shirt, you also do something good as the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood.
You can watch the full show by clicking here.
A preview of my favorite Looks is above.
Afterwards, I met my cutie Caro Daur and the beauytiful Olivia Palermo. So just an amazing evening!
But the evening wasn't over yet. We were invited to the aftershow Party at the Kola house where I even met the designer Jonathan Simkhai himself. I really enjoyed the evening and I hope that there are more such amazings Events to come!
So those were my impressions of my first fashion show and my first real fashion week.
We still had two days in New York and as promised here is also a Little Review on our hotel room.
The hotel is very well located, in the World Trade Center Area and near the Subway Station "Fulton", which has a good Connection to all of Manhattan. The Battery Park is a 10 Minute walk away. There are a lot of little restaurants and shops nearby.The department store Century 21, where you can get good dicounted preices throughout the year, is just across the street.
Only a 5 Minute walk away is the Oculus at One World Trade Center whith the Westfield Mall. Here you can buy nearly everything you want to. So the Location of the hotel was very good.
We had a handicapped accessible room (because there was no other available when we checked-in), but it didn't have any disadvantages.
The room was big and spacious and had a Little kitchen with fridge and a lttle oven. We didn't use the kitchen as breakfast was included and we went out to have Lunch and Dinner.
The only negative point I have is that the room was located on the street side and was sometimes a little bit noisy.
This is when our stay in New York ended. I have to admit that I'm starting to like this city more and more. But, for the moment beeing, I just need a little New York break and I'm more than excited to be back in my favorite city in two weeks time.
There is still going to be one more post about New York, Sightseeing and things to do, which I already promissed back in December. So stay tuned!
Hach, so schön Eindrücke! Die erste Fashion Show - und dann auch noch in New York! Ich kann mich noch total an das Gefühl einer ersten Fashion Show erinnern - man könnte platzen vor lauter toller Eindrücke!
AntwortenLöschenXX aus Nürnberg
Want Get Repeat
Danke dir!! Ja es war einfach toll, ich hoffe, dass ich so etwas noch öfter erleben darf. Und mein Traum ist ja Paris!